Personally, as a writer and a thinker, 102 has made me a better thinker than a writer. The plays and short stories we read had a big impact on my emotional thinking aspect. "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams, was a big emotional shot of pain to me, even though I could never relate to Blanche, I felt like I was hoping for a good life for her but things only got worse for her and it made me emotionally depressed for a few days and I kind of struggled to get past it. This was the second time that I was emotionally depressed after reading something. 

As a thinker, all of the pieces that I read made me think and understand actions and consequences, morality, desires, and perspective. These are really good life lessons one could learn and understand in their life. One of the great things I learned while reading and understanding the character that I read about was, do no ponder on your regrets and waste the rest of your life thinking about them, understand the regret and move past them while keeping in mind that you're not perfect and you can always be better.

As a writer, I honestly don't know where I will stand in five years. I don't know if I will write pages of essays after college but I know for a guarantee that as a thinker and reader, my knowledge in perspective will only increase to a point where it will be my strongest point. Reading about human difficulties and human actions is a path made for my life to know what I can do and how not to become a lesser version of myself. Professor Brady, your English class is the best and if I ever have to take an English class I will make sure to take yours. You are a great teacher and thank you for everything you taught me.

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