"The Streetcar Named Desire"

In this lecture, we talked about the themes in the play such as:

- reluctance to accept the truth

- female brutality and gender inequality

- isolating darkness

- sexual desire

- fantasy vs reality

- creating an illusion vs facing the truth

We then focused on "magic over reality", and how Blanche's mental health had been deteriorating and the way she coped with it, through lies. Even though Blanche deceived Mitch she only did it to gain a home where she is protected and loved. We discussed Blanche and whether it was a happy ending for her. We even had a fishbowl on "Does Blanche deserve a happy ending?" I personally think that she deserves a happy ending because of the endless struggles that she had to go through and it only made her mind sway away from reality forcing her to hide behind the fantasy. One thing I learned from this lecture was, there's no running away from reality, it will catch up to you one day even if you hide. Sometimes the shining truth can blind and burn you but at the same time it's a relief from all the burdens and darkness, a small pain for happiness.

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