Happiness is a matter of satisfaction, love, understanding, and fun in one's life. Sometimes we tend to be silent and accept what we don't like for others' happiness and we just fake it for their sake. Being happy for the other while you truly are not happy would not make the happiness in the other person last long, it would only create tensions and conflicts. In "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway and "Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri, we see the inconsideration that one does to themselves for others' happiness.

In "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway, we see a man and a woman talking about what their future will hold if they are to continue with the abortion that the man wants but the woman seemed hesitant in doing the operation. " I won't worry about that because it's perfectly simple." 

"Then I'll do it. 

Because I don't care about me."

 "What do you mean?" 

" I don't care about me" (Hemingway 3). The woman is only going forward with the operation only because she's doing it for the man and not for her and the constant repetition of the man that seemed to sway her mind and annoy her at the same time. She wasn't doing it for her, she was doing it for the man's happiness in which she had lost hers. Being inconsiderate of oneself will only make the other happy only for a while when you are not happy with the decision you made.

In "Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri, Mrs. Das seemed like a woman who had been bored her entire life. She doesn't even seem to care a lot about her own children and Mr. Das. They got married at such a young age, and she was overwhelmed with having a baby, too tired of being a housewife. Throughout college, she didn't have any friends other than Mr. Das as she was always with him. Even after marriage whenever her friends called to hang out, she would be too tired to go with them to the point they stopped calling. She knew what her fate was and she chose to accept it for her family even though there was no point in her life anymore. As a result, the lust in her let it takes over when she was alone with Mr. Das' friend and they made love. She chose to fall for the friend's temptation as it was the one thing in a while that wasn't so boring in her life.

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