
For "Antigone" by Sophocles, we had many lectures such as the prelude of Antigone, the Tragic hero, Moral Law vs Written Law, Fate vs Free Will, themes of Antigone, types of conflicts, and relentless love. The one that stuck out to me was the fishbowl and lecture about the Tragic hero. It's not often you see a tragic hero or talk about one, what made their ending tragic even though they were supposed to be heroes. One of the things that we pointed out was those tragic heroes are poor judgmental, they act on their emotions as their morality kicks in them, and their great pride brings them to their eventual downfall.

We mentioned the Seven Deadly Sins which are:

- sloth

- greed

- pride

- lust

- envy

- wrath

- gluttony(endless hunger but we decided to give it overindulgence)

Aristotle, Greek Philosopher said:
                    "A man cannot become a hero until he can see the roots of his own downfall"

One thing that I find admiring about tragic heroes is that they have self-awareness and self-knowledge because of the mistakes that occurred because of their actions. They know they cannot go back and fix it as it's not irreversible, they continue to move on despite their actions because they learned, accepted, and moved on from their mistakes.

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